Hoodie Day 2022

Hoodie Day 2022

2032. 32.

AIME Friends,

For 18 years we've been working together, one by one, people linking arm in arm, side by side, building a network of unlikely connections. We've connected with over 25000 Indigenous high school students, seen over 5000 university student volunteer and in the last few years grown through our university, tv station, radio network to connect with people across 52 countries from inside and outside the margins. 

Our big dream is to have a system that values the intelligence of those outside the margins, and plugs it into the mainframe. We are currently working on a system that can house this dream, a new digital country for the world, IMAGI-NATION. 

Our hopes are that through IMAGI-NATION and our university we'll connect with at least 100K young people around the world, 10K of them being young Indigenous Australians at the core of the global AIME movement for change. We'll activate leaders across different levels of society to engage in unlikely connections and shift the way the world works by changing how it works.

This Hoodie Day is a big one, it's a moment to turn 18, to go all grown up, to still do what we did as kids and turn up as tutors and mentors in schools week in week out (link to pics), and to not be a afraid of systems change and believing that we can change our economic systems, what we value, where we value it, and we can offer an alternative to Facebook and Twitter and co - and provide a relational network for the world, centred on the pursuit of knowledge, not to sell you products, but to bring you into relation with those you don't know and what you don't know.

Everything we need is here, our knowledge is in nature, our answers are outside the margins, and to bring them into play we gotta design networks and systems that unlock this historically ignored intelligence. 

The next 10 years will be some of the most important in modern human history, they will shape the future of the coming centuries. For this Hoodie Day, AIME turns 18 years old, and we are asking you to rise up with us, every mentor, mentee, AIME friend, and to band together with the richest strength we have to unleash our collective imaginative capacity, kindness, embrace failure and release joy in the process of being at the edge of shaping the world for the coming thousand years.

To get there - we gotta design bridges that bring us together - and so for this year, as a once only, as you only turn 18 once, we thought we'd invite you onto a bridge. It's a start of Reconciliation week in Australia - I'd say having done what we've done for 18 years we've been a pretty big part of the modern reconciliation movement in Australia, and now around the world we are helping humanity reconcile with the networks that have been designed to exclude intelligence from outside the margins and the moment we all now face that demands we design differently because we need all the collective human intelligence if we are a chance of solving the challenges of climate change, automation, sick ad driven networks blasting through our pockets and listening to our lives, tracking our every moves. We can change the world - because despite all the noise, we do have to take hold of the wheel, we make choices everyday, we can choose what we learn from, who we connect with, when we cross the street, how far to push our imagination, how much to try, how big to fail, how brave to be. 

This year for Hoodie Day - we are going to invite you to walk with us, from every year of our journey. We don't think the world changes just with $$, we think it changes with kindness, with relations, with energy and exchange of time, knowledge and opportunities. 

Hoodie Day will be on Friday 8th July - the last day of NAIDOC week where we celebrate the intelligence of Indigenous Australians, and we through AIME take that energy and weave out with you all around the world to activate our Indigenous intelligence in all our countries, our natural intelligence stored in the trees and the skies, and the intelligence we have beyond the margins of our mind, in our imagination.

So...here's the deal - for this 18 year birthday we wanted to focus on the year 2032...

As part of the university establish the following bridges to live on without us:

  1. At least 200 global University mentoring bridges to high school
  2. At least 200 executive Co-CEO programs
  3. At least 200 schools with IMAGI-NATION{Factories} building bridges to local community 
  4. At least 2000 citizens that have kick started or enhanced their own projects for change
  5. At least 2000 school student entrepreneurs who have connections to accelerate their projects for change
  6. As part of the university establish the following bridges to live on without us

Model a relational network - a new nation - IMAGI-NATION and showcase a systems intervention focused on the power of the internet to build new networks and ways of networking to engage in parallel economic exchange to centre the value of relations and knowledge and our key pursuits and the power of the intelligence from outside the margins to plug into the system at large.

Showcase the power of Hoodie Economics via case studies, research, impact

Use the power of streaming video platforms to show how schools can build bridges to those with influence around the world


Showcase how radio can be used as a lab to change the uniform set of rules with schools around the world building uniforms in the shape of hoodies informed from the outside in.



Build cultural knowledge tools that are joyful to engage with in the form of films.



Leave behind knowledge tools for teachers in the form of Mentor Class which we run over the decade - reaching 10,000 schools over the 10 years


Leave behind an imagination curriculum for the world



Leave behind a library of tools, how to guides, knowledge


Role model how a mentor passes on knowledge and expects nothing in return and knows its not a waste of time.



Plus all of the wonderful projects, energy creations, ideas, workflows that will emerge over the decade.



2032. 32.

2032. 32. This year - we'll bring back all of our Hoodies since we've created Hoodies, and release some specials that have been hidden away. And every single Hoodie will be available for $32.

We've dropped the $$ significantly - because we know in the end that takes care of itself. This year round - for our 18th birthday it's about all of us getting activated after the pandemic, striving for 10 years of imagining and doing. 

To unlock your AIME Hoodie for the special price of $32 you'll only have to do one thing - share the world you imagine in 10 years and what you'll do to make it come to life. Then onto the checkout you go and this Hoodie becomes your commitment cape for change.

It's time for us to be the boldest we can.

I have no doubt that we can change the world - I know the power of hope and human energy and vibrations, I know the power in you. 

Thank you for walking with us, and we can't wait to walk with you for the next 10 years and provide a platform for you to change the world.

Nothing but good vibes

Jack Manning Bancroft
AIME CEO & Founder
May 27, 2022.